目前分類:靈感 (6)

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Photo 13-3-23 下午12 49 08    
古典風格的飾品,也是Yu Chiao喜歡收集的物件。喜歡逛逛有格調的古董飾品店,也愛在花花綠綠、琳琅滿目的古董飾品攤裡尋寶;今天,來到了手手市集來到了台南市321巷裡巡迴,在夏天悄悄來臨的時候,頂著大太陽逛市集,收集靈感去!


Photo 13-3-23 下午12 45 54

Photo 13-3-24 下午3 11 40    


Miss Jo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 30 Wed 2009 23:41
  • Labuat


西班牙歌手Virginia Maestro Díaz在2008年推出了她的首張專輯Labuat:話說啊..
特別為這張專輯主攻歌所推出了flash網站:Soy tu aire
網站是由Herraiz Soto & Co. 及badabing!兩家公司聯合製成的flash MV,
他們的構想就是:Drawing a song



我畫的 Labuat

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Miss Jo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

design synonym system

design=vision / vision=dream / dream=unrealistic / unrealistic=unpractical / unpractical=uncommercial / uncommercial=interest / interest=sideline

therefore, design is a sideline

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Finally, I got this photo today. Once I took photos with my Lubitel 2 which I bought in Protobello Market in London. I bought this camera because I really wanted to buy something British before I came back.
Although this camera is made in Russia, it is true that I bargain with someone in the second hand antique market, the typical life in UK. I didn't know how to use this camera untill the seller taught me the basic way to use it. Then, I just tried to take something in the last few days before I left.

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This is my first work of this unknown project. I completely don’t know how to start except for making something by needlework.
Once I just pick something flat and start to pierce holes and stitch with tread. I use several pieces of photos and try to create something on them. I transfer the image of one photo into pattern and overlap it on another one. Then, I pierce holes along the pattern and stitch with tread to create a new artwork.

This black and white photo had been taken by a pinhole camera made by me and developed when I was in London doing one of my projects. The pattern is from another photo taken in UK as well. Both of them have different stories in my mind. Now, I overlap two stories together to connect these memories by needlework artistry.

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